Providing digital safety solutions for all types of companies.

On-site services, customized safety programs, and digital solutions to suit your company’s needs that are fully compliant with government regulations and occupational health and safety legislation. These digital solutions will improve your Health and Safety Management System, and can also aid your company in achieving your Certificate of Recognition (COR) or Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR).

Connect with us to discuss specific services you need.

Digital Health & Safety Management System

Worker in protective clothing completing paperwork

Safety Consultant Resources

We can provide a wide range of safety resources for your company or project. We maintain qualified, competent, experienced and educated safety consultants from a large number of industries including: construction, oil and gas, mining, agriculture, forestry, manufacturing, factories, wineries, medical, dental, office settings and more.

Benefits of using our safety resources:

  • Lower overhead costs with a flexible resource

  • Hire our consultants for one day or long-term contract

  • Skip sorting through hundreds of resumes looking for the right fit

  • Gain a set of fresh eyes to review and continuously improve your health and safety management system

  • Add skilled labour to your workforce

Pre-Qualification Account Management

As requirements with health, safety and environment evolve, many companies are requesting subscriptions to third-party, pre-qualification accounts to confirm compliance of HSE programs.

We can manage these accounts for your company on an annual basis including:

  • Set up the account

  • Be the single point of contact and review the accounts for new requirements

  • Provide timely upload of required documentation

  • Ensure compliance of HSE management systems

  • Gain access to approved vendor lists

  • Strengthen client relationships

  • Lower your administrative costs